Creative Workshops for Youth programm

I Workshop: Puppetry and object manipulation – Tin Grabnar (Slovenia)

When we hear about puppets, animated figures appear before our eyes: marionettes hanging on cords, Java puppets on the sticks or traditional hand puppets. However, modern puppet approaches go beyond traditional ways of thinking. Can we stage a puppet performance just with light, shadow, paper, color, line drawing or even just with sound? What staging tools can we use to blur the boundary between puppet art, theater, and visual art? The workshop will explore what elements of puppetry we can use in modern performative arts.

II Workshop: Personal archives (performance) – TBA 

Participants will be invited to suggest and organize performance narratives around their personal experience based on a diary or documents significant to them. Trough the various media and guidance the participants will explore the format of lecture-performance. It is important that the participants coming to the workshop already have in mind the theme whose history they wish to explore.

III Workshop: Making art by dance and music – Siim Aimla and Natalja Varkki

Participants will be invited to create during 2 working days a unique performance by using dance and music skills.  Participants will be guided and inspired by high professionals in music and dance to explore unlimited options of interdisciplinary approach in making the art by using music and dance to send a message to the audience. It will be great if participant coming to the workshop already have an idea or theme what they want to say or send they message to the audience.